Wednesday, October 29, 2014



Om Tryambakam Yajamahe Sugandhim Pushti Vardhanam Urva Rukamiva Bandhanan Mrityor Mukshiya Ma-amritath 

“Om. We worship the three-eyed One (Lord Siva) who is fragrant and who nourishes all beings; may He liberate me from death, for the sake of Immortality, even as the pumpkin is severed from its bondage (of the creeper).

" The two great Manthras in the Veda are Ghayatri & Mrtyunjaya. Mrtyunjaya mantra is chanted so that armor of divine positive energy is created around you which will prevent negative forces affecting you. 

Have you seen some people, when somebody says an unpleasant statement they get very, very hurt and that is because when you don’t have a positive energy field and somebody making an unpleasant statement, it can affect you deeply.

there are two negative forces which can affect oneself.

One negative force is which you create by wrong thinking. 

Secondly, negative forces from others and these are the two forces which affect one. 

By chanting Mrtyunjaya Mantra you create a powerful energy field so that one’s negative forces and others’ negative forces don’t affect you. 

Our mind is like a broadcasting station we go on generating vibrations. And if thoughts are positive then you generate positive vibration. If thoughts are negative; you get negative vibration. 

So if somebody is thinking negatively about you then negative forces will affect you by which you get depleted. 

By chanting Mrtyunjaya Mantra the negative forces from within yourself and negative forces externally can be nullified. 

This great mantra Mrtyunjaya is extremely powerful because of vibration it creates and hence if you listen to the mantra it has got musical notes and these musical notes create a very powerful vibration. 

Now try to understand the meaning of this profound mantra which is generally chanted when you are in difficulties, because in difficulty your energy is deleated and you have to energise yourself by creating the positive energy field around you. 

The mantra goes thus Trayambakam; this mantra is dedicated to lord Siva. See Lord Siva has two eyes and also a third eye above the two eyes which is the place called Agnya chakra where the Hindus put Bindu so Lord Siva is likened to a person who has three eyes so Trayambakam is addressed to the the three eyed Lord Siva. 

Now what does it mean Three Eyed Lord Siva, the two eyes everybody has got. 

But a person who is enlightened, who is wise has got the third eye. The eye of understanding, the eye of intuition. 

Through the eye of intuition one experiences the world very differently. A person who is in an ignorant state of being will look at the world in an ordinary eye but the wise person will look at the world and life from the third eye as Lord Siva is called “TRAYAMBAKAM” three eyed Lord. 

Now the two eyes represent the male and female energy in an individual if you look at the Hindu Concept there is a concept called “Aardha Naarishvara” where the half is called Lord Siva and other half is called Parwathy. When Siva and Parwathi are joined together it is called “Aardha Naarishvara” or “Poorna Purusha”. What does it mean by that-- there is a male energy in us and female energy in us? Because every individual is born by our parents. 

Parents being mother and father so each one of us has a male energy & female energy. 

Now the two eyes represent the male and female energy of Lord Siva. Now the male energy represents Logic and the female energy represents Love. The male energy always accomplishment oriented and the female energy are receptive oriented. 

Male energy is more in the masculine sense of achieving, female energy is very, earthly. 

Now these are two energy fields, Logic and Love, your achievement oriented and deep acceptability are merged, you will find when they are merged, immediately, there is transference of consciousness and the third eye starts opening up in individual so Trayambakam Yajamahe means we worship one you develop a worshiped Attitude towards existence. 

Yajamahe we worship the Lord. Learn to worship the Lord, for creation being an expression of the Lord so that Lord exists in and through the whole creation, hence in all our pooja you have to always do Stuthi praising the Lord it is called Stuthi. Lalitha Sahasranama, Vishnu Sahasranam. 

There are multiple ways to praise the Lord, why praise the Lord? Because the more you praise the lord not that HE has to change but you have to change. The more you appreciate the Lord you will develop an appreciating attitude towards life. 

So all our Yajamahe we worship is always the Stuthi or praise towards the Lord. Once you develop this attitude then you will start appreciating your children, your wife, appreciating the whole beauty of existence and through that appreciation you will find the poetry of the infinite will be seen in very intituvely. Sugandhim means the fragrance being Lord Siva representing whose consciousness has become “Sham Mangalam Karothy Idhi” Idy Shivaha means, Sham Mangalam That which is creating auspiciousness and this Suganthim being, see a person is fragrant if his energy field is very pleasant and beautiful. If you look at the egoistic person, his whole energy stinks but if you look at the person who is not egoistic, you will find that his energy field is very fragrant. In Sanskrit you say from Ahamkara you have to transform into Asmitha. Ahamkara means egotistic eye, Asmitha means innocent eye. Once there is innocent eye there is fragrance of well being around you; a flower spreads fragrance irrespective who goes to the flower. A non-egoistic person who represents Asmitha which is always Suganthim is always fragrant. “Trayambakam Yajamahe Sugandhim Pushti Vardhanam”. Pushti means Nourishment, Vardhanam means Growth. So therefore constantly nourishing yourself in the field of growing being. One should always be constantly growing. Growing where? Not growing in money, in power, not in name, not in fame but growing in silence. The real growth of an individual is in the phase of silence, so therefore all mantras end in “Shanthi Shanthi” so that real growth “Pushti Vardhanam” means the more you are silent the more relaxed in life you will be; very silent and relaxed. Look jat the lotus as an example. The Lotus exists in the muddy water but from the muddy water it grows into such a beautiful flower. So too, the muddy waters of the world are anger, hatred, jealousy and cut throat competition. We are like a Lotus in that muddy waters. If we can remain calm and serene, thankful-- then we will find that we are really growing physically, emotionally, intellectually and spiritually. From that relaxation and from that silence wisdom will dawn on us as we become calm and serene In that order of intelligence your experience of life will be from wisdom and not from sheer dried knowledge and dried logic. So “Trayambakam Yajamahe” Like a pumpkin how it exists attached to a creeper but at the same time when it ripens and detaches leaves no scar or evidence of attachment. It would seem that both the pumpkin and creeper exist separately in the world. One should similarly be in the world but not attach oneself to the attractions of the world. If one can live in the world as referenced by the pumkin and the creeper then one will be able to overcome death…MRTYUNJAYA…VICTORY OVER DEATH. So can we live in the world without being affected by the world is what is meant by expression. “Urvaarukamiva”: Help me to gain immortality by liberating me from death. Death happens when you identify. Look at a river, the river goes on flowing, flowing and therefore theriver does not stop. It just goes on flowing and ultimately it merges into Ocean. If water becomes like an ice then ice can never be flexible. So can we be like a river flowing without any attachment and then find mergence with the ocean and hence. “Ma-amritath”: Bondage is identifying with all that we see and do. Immortality is not identifying with anything. This unidentification which frees us, makes us understand that nothing is ours, everything is HIS and when we have the deep trust we will never identify with the dualities of the world--you will never identify with your happiness or with your unhappiness, your success or with your failure. This is the whole meaning of this Mantra. Now how should you practice? Early in morning having had your bath, take a glass of water and sprinkle especially aroundyour house in and through your house by chanting Mrtyunjaya Mantra. Because, understand if there are negative people also there are negative souls and these negative souls called “Sushma Sarira” can affect a person if there being people who are bad. These can be souls who are bad so the practice is to take water- energize the water with Mrtyunjaya Mantra and “Puroshana” sprinkle it through out the house so that negative souls don’t affect an individual by chanting Mrtyunjaya mantra. Having thus energized your house sit down and chant Mrtyunjaya and create a powerful protective energy field around you. And then you will find that negative people will not affect you and negative souls also don’t affect you. Thus the deep belief is that you chant Mrtyunjaya Mantra-- there is armor of divine energy that is created so that you won’t be a victim of negative forces within you and outside you. May God Bless You All, Om Sri Sai Ram Thank you Ranta Mathieaparanam Attachment Unavailable This attachment may have been removed or the person who shared it may not have permission to share it with you. Like·Comment·Share·Get Notifications Gainda Premdas and 6 others like this. Write a comment... Post   

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